Posts tagged #potato onions

Potato Onion Series Part 3: Harvesting and Curing

Here is my second to last video in the series on potato onions.  Once these bulbs are cured, they go on ebay August 15th under the Paleotechnics account.  The next video will be on cooking with them.

Potato Onions Part 2: Planting and Culture

This is installment number two on growing, storing and eating potato onions.  All of this is pretty much covered in writing elsewhere, and then some.  Here is a link to posts tagged with Potato Onion if you want to know a lot more.  I'm playing around with logo/branding ideas, just trying this one on for size.  The concept is basically kid-with-a-stick which is kind of the genesis of what it's all about to me.  And honestly, I think in a lot of ways part of me will always be a kid with a stick!  Let's hope so anyway.  It's brushed with some ink I made from soot (lampblack) and hide glue.  I'm not much of an artist, but I actually think I like the unpolished effect here and I like doing all my own illustrating with homemade art materials.  I'm also liking the black and white color scheme.  Now I'm looking into making my own fonts.  Yes, you can do that!  The point is to have an instantly recognizable look to all my thumbnails and stuff, so no matter how small or buried in other content they are, I'll stand out instantly.  Feel free to comment.  I like input and constructive criticism, because the way I perceive what I do is not the same as how you guys perceive it and you're doing most of the perceiving!  Cheers!

Where to Buy Potato Onion Starts

This page is intended as a source page for acquiring potato onion starts.  I will try to update as I get more information.  If you know of any source not listed, please contact me.  I don’t necessarily vouch for the sources in regards to either service or authenticity, I’m just listing claimed sources, so buyer beware.  I don’t have any financial interest in any of these sources, except of course any that I have for sale.

Potato Onions can be fall planted in milder areas with no especial care.  They can also be fall planted in cold areas if they are hilled up with soil to cover, but the soil must be pulled away from the plants in the spring so that just the roots are buried and the bulb is sitting at ground level where it will be less prone to rot.  Optionally, store until spring and plant then.  Some may be lost to decay in storage, but they keep remarkably well in general.  I planted some in September this year which had been held over from the previous summer's crop, so they were over a year old.  All of that time they were stored under bad conditions including hanging in an often very hot trailer all summer long.  Still, they do spoil and it isn't uncommon to lose a number of them right after harvest and then a few here and there through the winter, so for spring planting you'd be better to order in the spring if possible.  I'm not sure who, if anyone, ships them in the spring, but maybe I will start doing that.  Regardless of all that, you will probably have to order early, because the demand seems to far exceed the supply the past couple years.  That's good of course, because more people are growing them and hopefully sharing them.

*I have Potato Onions for sale on ebay through my account Paleotechnics.   Demand still far exceeds supply every year, but I grew more this year.

*Seed saver’s exchange:  Requires a membership to order starts and seeds from other members.  The retail catalog does not have Potato Onions.  various varieties are offered by members, though it is hard to say how many are actually different from each other until you grow them.

*Kelly Winterton:   Unique new varieties that Kelly has grown from seed.  All larger than the standard varieties and seem very promising.  Very limited quantities. Contact Kelly at kellys gar den at gm ail dot com

*  These guys appear to be shooting for one stop shopping when it comes to multiplier onions, although, like all other sources so far, availability is still an issue.

*Fedco/moose tubers: carries potato onions.  Fedco is my favorite seed company when all things are considered, so check out the seed section as well.

*Southernexposure:  These guys have had them a long time and are probably partly responsible for keeping potato onions alive.

*Maine Potato Lady : Sometimes has Potato Onions for sale.

*   There are usually some Potato Onion starts for sale on ebay besides mine.  I've seen some that look like red shallots, so who knows what you'll get.  buyer beware.  I ordered some from Canada off ebay that looked different and smaller than the yellow potato onion we grow down here, but I can't be sure because all of the bulbs failed to grow, though they seemed healthy enough.  Maybe they had jet lag.  (note, a person I'm in communication with had the same canadian yellow potato onions completely fail to root.)

*Territorial Seed Company:  If this link doesn't work, try googling "territorial seed potato onions" .  They are difficult to find on the site because they are listed as a seasonal product and only sold in the fall.

*Garden Medicinals:

RELATED POSTS:  Mr Winterton's Remarkable Potato Onions, POTATO ONIONS!, The Historic Potato Onion