The short version of this year: Felt like crap most of the year, didn't get a lot done, stopped growing stuff intentionaly for the farmer's market due to unreliable health and too many wasted crops, switched most of my energy and time over to trying to figure out health issues which occupies about 2 to 4 hours or more of research on most days and much of my thoughts. But, even though I sat on my ass for about 80% or more of the great majority of my days, the pictures I took this year do show that I did get out a little bit. I'm in a full on war to regain my health. It takes a lot of thought and time, so I haven't done as much cool stuff as usual. Once I figure that out, I hope to be a fountain of useful output, but until then I'm running on fumes. This year, I was really just getting by most of the time with little spurts of energy here and there which I generally use to do something interesting so I don't go completely crazy, often with piles of dishes and laundry as a result. Give me a choice between a pile of dirty laundry with a pile of charcoal and, well... I'll just be adding some charcoal stained clothes to that dirty laundry pile son! Let me tell you, a life of leisure is just not for me!
The spring ran on through the worst drought anyone can remember. It was pretty slow, but there was still more water than I ended up using. The spring really does make it all possible. I feel like I should build a shrine or something. Seriously amazing.
I actually got around to filling my deer tag this year! Skippy the deer is mostly eaten up now, and good riddance. He was busting down fences, messing up fruit trees and generally being a juvenile delinquent. I was half expecting to find graffiti somewhere... DEERZ RULEZ! on the water tank or something. The plan was to do a year long educational video series following the processing of Skippy into all kinds of cool stuff, but it proved too large of a challenge to pull off on my own and just getting him cleaned and in the freezer was enough at the time. Maybe next year.
My ex partner and currently business and land partner Tamara Wilder has been back more this winter bringing some help in the form of work traders and such. It's a bit of a challenge to have people here after living in solitude for a year and a half or more and I'm generally not up for managing anyone, but maybe some stuff will get done.
I've been a little more focused this year on video and hope to continue that trend. I still want a better camera, but I have an okay consumer camcorder I can use for now. I am pretty excited about the great potential of video and the opportunity to reach a lot of people around the world with it. You can visit my fledgling youtube channel here. It's always helpful to get comments, likes and subscriptions, hint hint! So this year it's two for one, The Year in Video and The Year in Pictures. Or more like two for none, what a deal!
I'll let the images and captions tell the rest.
Watch in HD if your rural connection is fast enough.
Edward's Winter apple re-grafted to a better (better here anyway) variety by frameworking. Frameworking is generally superior to topworking, a more usual method, and I will be pushing this idea more in the future. The Amaryllis flower bulbs growing beneath the tree are part of my tree understory experiments.
More trench burning of charcoal from the youtube video I posted on the method. I'm stoked about it. It seems to work very well, and it's fun.
Digging biochar into a bed. This bed performed very well compared to most of the rest of the garden. In fact, my other biochar amended bed and this one were the best performing beds. This one was done as an experiment. Half is 10% charcoal to 20 inches deep and the other half is 20%, but only dug in 10 inches. In otherwords, same amount of charcoal in each end of the bed just mixed shallower or deeper. No observable differences so far. I have quite a bit of charcoal stockpiled and hope to get a couple more beds prepared this spring. I'm planning more char to greater depth on the next bed and it will be prepared all at once by digging everything out to at least two feet and re-assembling it in layers. That may seem like a lot of work, but given that it should result in a permanent improvement it doesn't seem so bad. Especially given the large amounts of organic matter that people dig into their beds yearly and which disappears yearly. Not that charcoal is a total replacement for organic matter, but it does have some important functional similarities and will probably ultimately either reduce needed inputs, or result in better use of them.
One year of growth on an apple tree after dis-budding and notching to select branches. This method appears so superior to what is commonly recommended that I am anxious to do an article or video on it. It may be a little hard to visualize in 3 dimensions from a 2 dimensional picture, but this tree gave me 4 branches in four different directions in just one year. I haven't taken a current picture, but the tree will be grafted over since the scion wood was mislabeled. It was supposed to be Golden Harvey, a super sweet long keeping cider/eating apple that I was all stoked up to find. It turned out to be some bitter foamy cider apple of no account.
Some stuff I think is cool this year:
Gokhale method of posture. This is different that any other kind of exercise, stretching, yoga etc... It is based on the idea that there is a basic correct type of posture for humans (which is probably a little different than what you've been told), and it really more to do with how you sit, lie, walk, live and move your body than exercises, though there are exercises. It also requires an attitude adjustment. Everyone I've turned on to it has been very enthusiastic and it has helped me a lot. This is really for almost everyone, but certainly people with any kind of posture/pain/joint issues should check it out. Classes aren't cheap, but the book is excellent and a great place to start.
Ray Peat. Ray peat might best be described as a renegade biologist and science historian. He has his mind in all kinds of things, but with a focus on nutrition and hormones, with metabolism being at the center of the picture. Peat is one smart cookie and possesses a vast store of knowledge that he can pull out on demand. It he always right? I doubt it, and I'm very unsure you should eat like him, but prepare to have a lot of things you assume to be given truths called into serious question by someone with a rare mind that thinks way outside the box. Try on for size: CO2 is much more than a waste gas of metabolism and you should make and retain as much as possible, serotonin and estrogen are primarily destructive substances in the body and there is no such thing as estrogen deficiency, and essential fatty acids are not only not essential, but essentially toxic and more of an unfortunate natural occurrence that we have to adapt to. Often includes the history of where science/medicine went wrong in adopting a certain dogma, and the influence of industry in corrupting scientific research and medical practice. This is not light reading and listening, but he dumbs it down for us as much as possible. Warning, Ray Peat can be a deep rabbit hole and lead to food neurosis and extreme self experimentation in a certain type of personality.
Michael Mews. This stuff is absolutely fascinating. There are several dominant theories on the prevalence of modern facial malformation and poor dental development, which has become nearly universal these days. How many kids do you know that are not getting braces around age 13? I can't think of any. The genetic explanation is pretty much bullshit, but convenient to point to for medical professionals who don't know the answer. Michael Mew's point of view deals with oral habits and environment. The third common view is diet via Weston Price, which probably has considerable substance, but is clearly not the total answer. Michael Mews is really putting out some amazing stuff about an issue that now affects nearly all modern people. If you have kids under 18, this is a must watch before subjecting them to the mutilation and idiocy that is standard practice orthodontics. It's also just plain interesting.
See you around homies! Have a great and productive year!