Quite a few of you should be getting this email after not receiving any for quite some time. I moved to a new email sending software and some of the contacts did not import. Hopefully the new import worked and this will go smoothly.
The annual scion auctions have begun on figbid.com My username is Skillcult. All Auctions End on Sunday the 16th. For each variety of scion, the auctions end 5 minutes apart, so if someone outbids you, there is time to bid on another one. This year I have 6 varieties on Auction, Hella Kitty, Hard Candy Cider, Pomegranate Crab, Black&Red, Jellybean Cider and Red Winder Pie. Some apples which have been on auction in previous years will now be offered in the webstore, including Black Strawberry.
Once the auctions are over I’ll list the scions in the webstore, starting with early access for my supporters on Patreon. Once early access is over, I’ll announce the opening of the store to the public.
Pomegranate Crab (Maypole x Pink Parfait) is a small very red fleshed crab apple that I just added this year. I only have 6 scions, but I’ll be trying to propagate some this grafting season to increase that nubmer by next year. It is more of a cider, juice, cooking apple than an eating apple. You can read more about it here.