I made it to 1000! 1062 YouTube subscribers and counting! :)
I did a written instructable on the Pet straw/clay kiln and lime burn. As of writing this, it is already closing in on 2500 views! I put this whole lime kiln project together to enter a contest over there called brave the elements, which is for projects dealing with, or taking advantage of, the four elements. If you’d like to read a written version of the lime kiln and lime burning project, visit instructables, where you can also vote for my project at the top of the page. The grand prize is a go pro action cam that I could really use. I worry about my cameras and all the stuff they are exposed to, so more of them is better! Plus this is an action cam, so I can put it on a silly helmet and run around doing stuff like chopping up trees or climbing them, or hunting or whatever. Seems almost essential for some of the stuff I plan to do.