Turkeysong, the Year in Pictures 2012

It was an interesting year around here.  New projects and continuing old projects.  Lots of chickens.  So many in fact that I had to split the chicken pictures of for another post... Turkeysong:  the Year in Chickens coming soon. Sunrise on Dec 22 Solstice 2011  The real start of the new year

Solstice goat roast 2011

"the pet" a temporary lime kiln made of clay and straw on a brick base.  We fired this about 6 times or so before it fell apart.

Working on the slate roof of the cottage on a sunny winter's day.

Heart shape grafted apple trees.  These two actually died, but I know it can work because I've done it before.  One heart shaped apple tree is growing along the driveway.

Apple seedlings.  Part of our first year's apple breeding experiments.

Candy cap mushrooms.  They smell and taste of maple syrup after drying.

Mixed Daffodils.  We had thousands in 2012 of many kinds

Pollinating apple blossoms for our amateur breeding program.

Peeling tanoak bark for tanning skins

tanoak bark

Student oiling and smoothing tanoak goat leather in our class at Buckeye gathering in Sonoma County California.

Cherries and Black caps, yum.

daffodil seeds, full of promise.

baby daffodil bulbs headed for the open ground.

potato onion seeds, within which new varieties may lurk.

Gravenstein... (que angels singing)

hybrid amaryllis

apples at the market

At the farmer's market

Onion braid for market

squash trials... details at 11:00

saffron harvest.

shitake mushrooms on 5 year old log

drying italian or french prunes, depending on who you ask.  They grow on a lot of the old homesteads around here and are super good whatever they are.


Apples awaiting taste testing.

Hopi Pink

A section of old fence about to be taken down.  This fence style of closely spaced grape stakes is a local style evolved around access to abundant redwood.  We plan to rebuild a section of this style fence with the pickets that are still good enough to reuse.  They are probably 80 to 125 years old and maybe 50% are re-usable.

Posted on January 21, 2013 and filed under Uncategorized.