Tested Hand Drill Kits with Instruction Handout


Tested Hand Drill Kits with Instruction Handout


My hand drill kits are made from Mule Fat (drill) and Incense Cedar (hearth board). There are two parts, the drill and the hearth. The other item required is some fluffy tinder material, like shredded bark etc. not included. Every kit is tested and has made a coal. I provide these for people who are learning without instruction, so that the kit is known to be good. If the kit is not tried and tested, it could be the kit that is at fault and not the user. These are not the absolute easiest kits that can be made, but they are good kits, and every single one is tested by hand. I have the blisters to prove it ;) These will provide a lot of fires before they wear out, and the drill and hearth can be used to test other drills and hearths as well. They come with a substantial 9 page hand out on hand drill fire making. There are lots of Youtube videos to check out on hand drill fire making too. I will be making more hand drill fire making videos in the future. But in the mean time, you can watch this one on making a hand drill fire kit with stone tools- 14,000 views and zero thumbs down.

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