Table Grape Cuttings

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Table Grape Cuttings


These are grape cuttings for rooting.  They usually root very easily in a garden bed or pot, but obviously results may vary.   You can find lot's of info online about rooting grape cuttings.  Honestly, I just shove them in the ground in a garden bed or pot with regular potting mix, and they usually root.  length and size varies. Most have 3 to 4 buds and average around 3/8 to 1/2 inch diameter.

Reliance is my favorite grape grown here so far.  It has an almost muscat like flavor, but fairly unique in my experience and not really the classic muscat, of which I'm not always fond.  it turns a light red when all the way ripe.  High sugar, high flavor, uniform sized grapes are compelling fresh eating and a really excellent snack when frozen whole.  The grapes come free from the stems pretty easily, so they are quick to process.  This is a tender, juicy grape and doesn't store or ship very well.  Strictly for local sales or fresh homestead gourmet eating.  The juice is great too and I'm sure it makes great raisins, though I can't remember.  My video review here:

Glenora: is a very dark blue seedless grape with a firm crunchy texture.  It is my second favorite of the varieties I have growing here so far.  It freezes well, makes great dark colored juice and no doubt contains a whole lot of "antioxidant" compounds.  Excellent and fun fresh eating.  My only real complaints about this grape are that the stems have a tendency to stick to the grapes, which makes processing for raisins and freezing more fiddly, and they vary in size from very small to medium.  For those reasons, I will probably only ever have one plant of it, although now that I've had the juice I might change my mind on that.  My dorky video review here

Interlaken: A very reliable sweet green seedless grape. Interlaken is a prolific grower and producer, with robust vines. It is not unusual in flavor at all, but a very good, reliable, workhorse grape for juicing, fresh eating and raisins. I don’t care for it frozen too much.

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