Grandp Ott's Morning Glory

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Grandp Ott's Morning Glory


This is a great old fashioned morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea, that you only have to plant once. At least in my garden. I have only intentionally sown seed once, probably 10 years ago or more. The previous garden, I had it volunteering as well. It volunteers readily, but is easy enough to control. You can leave then where you want them, or transplant to a more suitable location. They sprout gradually when warm weather starts. Nick seeds with a knife or nail file and soak before planting. Daily flushes of purple flowers last just one day. In the morning, the low light illuminating the white tubes is magical. If planted on a trellis where you walk frequently, or on the front of a house it will make everyone happy every time they walk by during the day. Lovely old fashioned variety.

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