Peshwar White Breadseed Poppy


Peshwar White Breadseed Poppy


A friend was in a market in Peshwar Pakistan, and found these poppy pods for sale with the seeds still in them. He brought some seeds home and here are the progeny. What is really neat about this cultivar is that the pods never open, so the seeds don’t fall out. most varieties will lose seeds due to small ports that open up around the rim to let the seeds out. I sometimes store the dried pods with stems in a vase, and just cut the bottom off and sprinkle the seeds like a seed shaker when I need them. I will usually sprinkle them into a hot pan for 30 to 60 seconds to toast and bring out the flavor, then sprinkle on salads or other dishes, or sprinkle on top of bread or pancakes. The seed is white. Breadseed and opium poppies are the same species. No doubt this is used for drug production too, but it’s obviously bred for seed given the closed pod trait. Easy to grow, with huge white flowers. the pods can get very large if the plants are given space and good care, as seen in the picture. packet contains 1/8 teaspoon of seed, which is about 800 to 1000 seeds! Buy as many as you want, but seriously, one packet is enough, geez.. :) It likes to sprout in cool weather with some chill time.

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